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Our Asheville Life: Summer Outtakes

Happy Labor Day everybody!!!! Is that pumpkin spice creamer I smell wafting out of your coffee cup??

Even though it's not actually technically fall yet, football is back (!) and it's September. And some people just put away all their white pants (don't do it! White jeans are year-round!). Asheville already has Oktoberfest beers on tap. So's fall, y'all! Get you some pumpkin spice, friend.

I thought I'd share some photos I snapped over the summer that made me smile. Most of them are of Harlow (shocker) doing silly stuff. If only my eyes were cameras -- she's done/is doing all sorts of cute stuff that I never seem to have my phone nearby to capture.

This is why I never have any storage space on my phone -- the moments I can photograph I take like a zillion photos of and then I don't have the heart to delete them even after I've backed them up on my computer and external hard drive. Almost everyday I go back and look at an old photo or video of her and marvel at how much she's grown so....maybe I should just pony up the money for iCloud storage and get on with it.

Anyways! On to the photos...

Having fun on Red Nose Day! Both our bangs are a lot shorter haha!

Memorial Day Weekend at Lake Keowee in our matching Chaser tanks from Nest Boutique.

I shared this one in my MDW post and it's still one of my very favorites...

Baby butt! I can't recall why exactly she was walking down my parent's driveway in the buff...

Style tip: wear your Hanky Panky thong as an infinity scarf LOL! She loves sneaking my undies off the drying rack on laundry day.

I had so many feels taking Harlow to swim at the CCA pool where I spent basically every summer of my childhood. It's a goal to join ourselves one day so she can do the same!

We took her to The Nature Center for the first time and she loved it! Unfortunately we had to hang out in the snake room for awhile bc they have this tunnel she likes to crawl through...I was much happier in the petting zoo!

Summer adventures are so tiring for little girls! I just love it when her cheeks squish over her harness...

Remember these quarter rides?? I always rode the ones outside of Eckerds on Merrimon. She was half scared, half mesmerized by this Winnie the Pooh ride at Babies R Us haha!

After lunch with Granny at Papas N Beer! If that's not a 'tacos are delicious' smile I don't know what is :D

July 4th blooper

Harlow LOVES walking up and down my parents' driveway pushing her stroller and playing sticks with Lilly. She did send her stroller on a kamikaze nose dive over the may not be into the baby dolls haha!

Hanging with her cousins at the Williams Family Reunion in the Tennessee mountains. The two on the right live in Houston so they've been in our prayers a little extra lately...

When I told her we were having lunch with Dee Dee and Doc after we took photos at the Arboretum to use in this post.

Having said lunch with Groucho Marx ;) Hickory Tavern has the best toys in their treasure chest! They remind me of the prizes I used to win at Showbiz back in the day.

My girlfriend Emily came into town and I hadn't seen her in 10 years! We got to meet each other's children and it was awesome. Miss you Em!

I had just taken this blanket out of the dryer and she wrapped herself up in it...isn't that the best feeling??

Sitting in the trash can cabinet. I got nothing.

Licking spoons and bowls after we made our yogurt cake from Bringing Up Baby -- you can read that post here!

Snapping a selfie. I laughed and cried about this one. I have no one to blame but myself.

A beautiful summer evening spent with Pop and G who came to visit us!

Milk explosion!

Shooting the breeze with Granny in the Cracker Barrel rocking chairs ;D I sure would like that UNC chair for my house!

This was the summer of the water hose. She L-O-V-E-S it! Anything with water she's a big fan of!

Feeling fancy in her dress up clothes i.e. my bath robes. I definitely used to dress up in my mom's bath robe for the evening wear portion of my pretend Miss Universe pageant hahaha!

Photo shoot B-roll from this Mommy & Me post

Riding dirty on her new Minnie scooter! She calls her "Mimmie" and it's the cutest.

All dressed up to go see the ducks at Lake Julian Park! When she walked in I teared up because she looked so grown up! I'm going to be SUCH a crybaby tomorrow when I take her to day care :' (

She fell asleep in the car on our way to lunch and for the first time since I can remember, she stayed asleep when I got her out and slept on my shoulder for about 20 minutes. It was absolute heaven!

Ruling the roost at her grandparents' house! While watching Moana, natch.

Another Moana viewing. Judging by my appearance, I bet I was pretty okay with just sitting down to watch a movie on whatever day this was LOL!

Just another day, hanging with the ducks, just another day around the way...feeling good today! Feeling lovely heeey!

Made in the shade! Picnicking in our front yard on a cool afternoon ;)

Classic childhood fun and games in the ol' driveway! I'm not a good drawer but it's fun just to doodle and be a kid again with a little chalk and some pavement.

She stole my hat and of course looked way cuter in it than me!

The weekend before Labor Day we had a hen party with Dee Dee and then went to hang with our friends the McKinneys at Bacon Fest 2017 LOL! We didn't exactly know Bacon Fest was happening but we charged on in and had a blast!

Obviously Harlow is in her element. Dee Dee and Moana. Life is good :D

Feeling the live music at Bacon Fest

When she gets a new snack she's really excited to try...BTW this Moana necklace legit lights up if your child is also obsessed with her :D

And...for the LAST picture of the summer...we had a great time at orientation for Harlow's new school! It'll be emotional for all of us but so great for all of us in the not-too-distant future!

It's so fun to look back on moments from our summer and then crazy to think about how fast it flew by. If only winter went by so quickly haha! I hope you all had a fab holiday weekend and I'll see y'all here on Wednesday with a fun look inside a local event I went to last week!


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